Arrgh Begorah! Here be the Leprechaun Pirates! A merry band of singing pirates cursed to take the form of leprechauns. There are three such pirates in the band, and here are their tales.
The Dread Pirate King Kent Hansen
Lead vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter, it was all his idea to take up the Pirate ways. But who is worse, the pirate who leads or the ones who follow? or is it the one who led us to the cursed treasure? Kent is also a blues singer and songwriter, as well as a long time regular behind the scenes at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.
Which brings us next to…
The Dread Pirate Justin Hartley
Sure, he may look like a friendly pirate leprechaun with a drum, but Justin wrote his tale in the song that caused the three dread pirates to run afoul of a pixie’s curse. As the band’s drummer and accordion player, he also plays the kazoo and has the best darn stunt ukulele out there. He is also the drummer for several different bands.
Stunt ukulele you say? Yes, when our final pirate forgets her ukulele, he has a lovely little Cordoba that comes out to play. That’s right, her. Women singing pirates are extremely rare, and women leprechaun’s do not exist outside of a pixie’s curse which brings to…
The Dread Pirate Beth Hansen
What started out as innocent fun, joining her older brother Kent at an open mic once a month, brought us the third member of the band. Beth is the ukulele player, vocalist, and songwriter as well. When not playing Pirate Leprechaun games, she likes to paint and write non-pirate songs as well. Check out for all the details about that.
Well, that’s the long and the short of it, now you’ve met our singing pirates. See you out at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival! Arrrgh!!